David Bradley "Superior Quality" decal
Dress up the window of your vehicle or the window of your shop. You can even put it on a mirror,....basically anywhere you want!
Full instructions for how to get a professional result from applying your decals are located in the Tuning and Repairs section of this site.
More Decal Options!
This decal set can be provided in three different formats for your convenience. Pricing for the formats available are listed below.
Waterslide/Mixed – Many of the older saws originally had waterslide decals. To properly restore an old unit, many restorers want to stay with the same format. It is strongly suggested that application solvents such as MicroSet and MicroSol (from www.microscale.com) be used to apply waterslide decals. It is also strongly suggested that the restorer mist coat the decals with a clear coat after application. Use several very light coats and let them dry before a heavier protective coat is applied so that the sealer solvent does not wrinkle the decals. Any white, silver or gold features would not be able to be printed on clear waterslide media. Therefore, these features are typically provided as self adhesive decals. The mixed set is a combination of these self adhesive and waterslide decals. Once again, it is strongly suggested that the restorer mist coat the decals and saw with a clear coat after decal application to lock the decals into the finish. A heavier protective coating should then be applied to protect the saw and the decals. PLEASE NOTE: This set requires a waterslide on a waterslide decal,....this is an advanced operation. If you are not an experienced decaler, I would suggest the self adhesive set.
Self adhesive - Some of the later saws originally had self adhesive decals. Some restorers would rather have the convenience of self adhesive over waterslide/mixed sets. As with the waterslide/mixed sets, it is strongly suggested that the restorer mist coat the decals with a clear coat after application. Use several very light coats and let them dry before a heavier coat is applied so that the sealer solvent does not wrinkle the decals. A heavier protective coating should then be applied to protect the saw and the decals.
Self adhesive vinyl coated - Some restorers do not want to clear coat their saw after applying the decals. The vinyl coating provides the maximum amount of protection to the surface of the decal. However, the vinyl coating cannot protect gas and oil from eventually creeping under the decal and lifting it. If your saw is to be displayed, this is a great option.
PROCESSING NOTE: This product is produced by Sugar Creek Supply and is manufactured once your order is received. That insures you are getting the freshest product possible and that they haven’t been sitting on a shelf for years. Processing time can vary taking up to 10 – 12 days to ship depending on availability of materials.